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Welcome candidates :)

Novancia Business School Paris - Pomotion

Project manager assistant - Promotion

Mission :

Students from Novancia and I were selected to work with communication departement and competitive examinations. Our mission was :

- To organize activities for open houses

- To organize oral (food center, entertainment pole, organization pole...)

- Being present at trade shows, open houses and during oral eligible.

This mission allowed me to develop my skills as some of my sense of organization, my audacity ... But also to discover new facets of my personality and develop new skills as does managing a budget.

At the oral eligible Novancia of 2015, I was a project manager assistant. We have implemented several activities, such as animating relaxation sessions by students of Sport office and the establishment of a partnership with Lipton Ice Tea.

Team leader - Oral eligible

On May 29th, I had the responsibility to ensure the proper conduct of oral management in a team of 20 students. The day went very well and the atmosphere was looking good! Thank you to all my team and good luck to future Novanciens;)

Promote my school was a great experience ! This success couldn't be possible without this team !! Thanks to them !

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